Maybe its because February in Maine has been feeling and looking a lot more like April, or that I know time has a way of careening past when one's busy living life, but my thought to the business for the months ahead all have to do with the glorious warm, long days of spring and summer. Daylight savings is in a mere few weeks. I need to procure some simple, comfortable seats for inside but especially outside so people can relax and chat. Need another case for inside to house cheese. I am determined to get an iced coffee/tea system set up, but I'm befuddled and blown away at the cost. However I and others love a tall cold glass full of ice and coffee on a warm day. Searching out recycled take out ware, bags, wine carriers & the like. A freezer? A fridge? Would make things more efficient. Keeping the truffles cool(a must) in warm weather. Another AC? A fan? Contracted to have a handicap access ramp built in May. Looking for a low cost loan. Well I'm rambling, but that's where my noggin's at at this hour. Soup in the sumer? I don't think so, unless we get a raw, wet snap of weather....it's Maine, so likely. Speaking of soup, gotta get off and finish building the watercress soup for today at The Cave.